Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I can't believe "Global Warming" is still taken seriously

It doesn't take that much to refute it.

Look ya'll.  They are trying to get you to believe something that is totally implausible.  All it takes is something that will show it.

I've tried here on this blog, but somehow it eludes me.  Here's an idea.  You know what atmospheric pressure is don't you?  Well, if carbon dioxide is 400 parts per million, then what is the atmospheric pressure associated with carbon dioxide?  Look at it this way:  400 parts per million is .04%.  So, a rough guess is this:  if standard pressure is 1000 millibars, then .04% of that is .4 millibar.  This is a rough estimate because carbon dioxide is more dense than the oxygen and nitrogen that makes up over 99% of the atmosphere.  However, it is not that far off.  It isn't going to change the numbers by an order of magnitude.  Even if it did, it would only be 4 millibar.  That is less than the atmospheric pressure of Mars, which is pretty cold and its atmosphere is over 95% carbon dioxide.

What could be more clear?  You don't have very much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on Earth.  Even if you double it to 800 parts per million, it makes little difference in atmospheric pressure.

How can something that has so little presence here have so big an impact here on Earth, but not on Mars where it dominates?

Global warming is total bunk.

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