Saturday, April 25, 2015

Squaring things away here at da House

Now I can't call this place "da House" even though it is an apartment.  You gotta call it something, and this is the most polite term I could think of at the present.

I'm going to sign a new lease, probably next week.  I'll be here at least until the end of March next year.

As for all the equipment I bought, I'm putting it all away until the next time.

That 300 dollar chair that broke was replaced.  Actually, they sent me a new frame.  I had to slip off the cushions on the broken frame and put it on the replacement frame.  Now it sits in the bedroom like new.  Only thing is this:  after having the first one fail, can I trust this one?  I think not.  The metal looks too thin for a bigger person such as myself.  It may work for a person that weighs in at less than 200 lbs.  Preferably even less.  I'd say this thing is more suitable for a woman than a big man.

Moving on to the rest of my stuff, I cleaned up my circular saw and put it away.  Amazing how much crud got on it and in it.  Hopefully, it won't cause a premature failure.

Checked the batteries on my scooter.  I figured it was 12 amp/hrs and so it is.  That's 2 times 12 amp/hrs giving 24 amp/hrs.  That's pretty decent in terms of power.  It's almost as good as the battery I've already got.  Combine them and you've got 60 amp/hrs.  Since you don't want to discharge at greater than 50%, this gives 30 amp/hrs of useful power.  That 30 times 12 volts giving 360 watt/hrs.

It's something to get you started, but it will have to grow a little once I get things rounded out and in shape out there.

Just about ready to resume the old lifestyle, but continue to prepare for the new.  The time is not yet, but I'm getting there.

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