Sunday, January 25, 2015

Agent of Chaos, revisited

The video hasn't been taken down yet, so I'll put it back up and make a comment.

In the first iteration of this topic, I mentioned that you have to make a choice.  Even if you don't make a choice, it's still a choice.

The Harvey Dent character is given a choice by the Joker character.  The Joker puts himself at risk of being shot, or not shot, by Dent, and Dent has to make a choice about doing it or not doing it.

Can you imagine yourself in a similar situation, and can you imagine what you might do if you were?

Given how evil the Joker character really was, and your opportunity to rid the world of his evil, would you pull that trigger, or would you refuse?

I'm not sure what I'd do, and even if I was sure of what I'd do, I'd still maintain that I wasn't sure.  How can you possibly know?

After a few minutes of thinking this over, I think you'd have to be prepared for it beforehand.  In the moment of crisis, you have to act one way or another,  There is no time to reflect.  That's what the cop and the soldier has to do.  They are put in situations in which it is easy to judge later, when the heat is off, and the emotions have calmed down.

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