Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why Reagan cleaned their clocks

It is on display here, if you care to notice, and learn from it.

The "clown" car is defined by the numbers, the "seriousness", and the distance from the center.
With nearly two dozen possible presidential candidates, the GOP is having a seriousness deficit...two dozen speakers ground through 10 hours of speeches in front of more than 1,000 far-right Republicans...they attack from the right, which can force the eventual nominee farther to the right than the nominee wants to go...The media tells us to nominate a moderate, and moderates lose because they have no courage of their convictions or have no convictions...

What does this have to do with the issues facing the country?

When Reagan said there's no right nor left, but only up or down, he had the right tone.  All this is is a bunch of criticism aimed at people for having some courage of their convictions and standing behind it.  That's the last thing these people would want.  If you are serious about what you are doing, these people brand you as a clown.  And Reagan was called an "amiable dunce".

A truly serious candidate can wipe the floor with these people because they haven't got anything and they know it.  They're hoping they can brand you before enough people can see for themselves.

If there's anything I would criticize this meeting for is the fact that they probably won't decide who the nominee will be.

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