Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Propaganda mill is working overtime, while the GOP folds

According to a Breitbart story, the GOP is folding on their campaign promises to do something about Obama's executive amnesty.

In the meantime, Obama is going to get Netanyahu defeated in Israeli elections, and is going to allow Iran to get nukes.  Will the GOP back down again there?  Their excuse is a rising approval rating for Obama, or it is claimed.  This was the same excuse to drop the shutdown in 2013 that could have ended Obamacare.

Nobody thinks for themselves.  The propaganda tells them what to think, and then the GOP folds like a house of cards.

Most likely, this will lead to a Greek type result, where they elect a Socialist.  You cannot produce prosperity with a printing press, but don't tell Krugman and company that.

Where will they get the money?  Soak the rich.  If the rich had any brains, they'd figure out a way to help the poor so that they ( the rich ) can keep their money.  How?  Get people back on the land.  Will that happen?  Of course not.  You see signs that the rich are getting nervous, but don't worry about them.  They can take care of themselves.  It's the poor that fall for these socialistic schemes, they'll be the ones who suffer for listening to the propaganda.  Happens all too often.

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