Monday, September 29, 2014

A possible system to produce water and energy

Uh, yeah.  I'm still fooling around with the water problem.  It turns out in my peregrinations on the web has uncovered something previously discovered.  Wha?   Well, I knew about the Stirling 6 kwh electric generator being promised for 2015, but what I didn't think about was that you don't need a gasifier for a Stirling engine.  Duh.

What a happy revelation, as long as this promised device isn't too expensive.  Six kilowatts is plenty energy to be sure and it may work like gangbusters for a system I am envisioning.

The system will boil water, which is what the promised system does already, and make electricity of course.  The boiled water can be greywater that will be disinfected with the boiler.  It will then be routed to the algae system that will further treat the water and finally be run through the humidifier/dehumidifier system in order to produce drinkable water ( maybe ).

Since the system runs on external combustion, it can be indoors.  That means it can reuse the water and carbon dioxide that it produces.  Closing the water and carbon loops simultaneously, while producing electricity, clean water, and food!

Too good to be true?  Maybe.  It all depends upon what the system will cost.

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