Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ann Barnhardt against Women's suffrage

She thinks it was a big, big mistake to give women the right to vote. Thus, it disqualifies her from ever running for office.

I like Barnhardt. But this is a bit too much. She's right though, in this one aspect of her argument. It has provided the opportunity for the left to drive a wedge between the sexes and to use that in order to gain power. For that is what they have done and continue to do. As Barnhardt says, that is one of the things that is destroying Western Civilization.

Is there another possibility? Yes, but it is harder. It would be harder to do this than it would be in repealing the 19th Amendment. That is, to get people to have an uncompromising desire for truth from politicians. But this would also entail people to have an uncompromising desire for truth in their own lives. I think that would be the antidote, but that antidote is very hard to administer because people love untruth ( and even outright lies ) so much. Truth is very slippery, and one reason for this is that lies are so very seductive. Lies enable you to obtain that which you wouldn't be able to obtain otherwise. This is so very seductive. People can't resist it.

Another reason that I can put forth that the truth is slippery is my own attitude towards what Barnardt has said. I don't want to accept what she says even if what she says is the truth. I'd prefer to believe that you can persuade people of the truth in spite of the fact that people would rather believe a lie or what is false. So, no matter how well you may argue you point, no matter how well you present your arguments, you will not be persuasive because these people will not believe you. The truth is dead in them or asleep. All the Marxists need is a majority and that may be easier to obtain if people are divided on the basis of sex amongst other things. Divide and conquer.

Therefore, even though Barnhardt is probably right, I'd prefer to keep the 19th Amendment. Sure, that makes it so much easier to subvert our freedoms and may lead to the end of our freedoms, but I prefer it. God help us all.


Like I said before, I like Barnhardt. I really do. But I must disagree with her on this. In order to make my point more forceful, I will have to tell a story I'd prefer not to tell. But it must be told in order to show the point--- which is that Barnhardt does not truly respect men as much as this post would indicate.

I've read her stuff quite often. She admits that men are physically stronger, but she is adamant in her belief that men are cowards. Men are nothing more than dumb brutes, it would seem. Nothing can manipulate a man more than that --- to call him a coward. Because a man doesn't want to seen as a coward in the eyes of his woman. He knows that he's toast with his woman as soon as she begans to believe that--- so he must demonstrate his manhood in order to satisfy his woman. This gives a woman great power over a man. That is something that I will never permit a woman to have over me. That is why I think that I never married.

On the other hand, I won't go into details about my story. Only this-- that I failed to do a task on several occasions by the women I have known. This reduced my stature in their eyes and the relationships failed each time. This led to some very painful experiences in my life which made me doubt myself as a man-- but I see now that I was too hard on myself. I was correct for not letting them have that power. For if a woman truly honored you, she wouldn't be thinking what she thinks. She wouldn't try to manipulate you into doing things against your better judgment. Therefore, you become objectified, and the relationship becomes objectified. You are only a symbol of a man--- not the man for himself.

There are those who would sneer at me and say the women were correct. It is this kind of thinking that is leading us over the abyss. Not the so called "weakness", but the manipulation and the untruth.

Barnhardt doesn't have faith in people. I'd like to have some faith in people if only you can be persuasive enough. But I also understand that this is a very, very hard thing to do. If someone cannot be persuaded, you will fail. It is up to people to be open to be persuaded. That is much easier said than done. My own experience is the testimony to that. For what it is worth.

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