Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I like to think in terms of problem solving

After saying that I hate bullshit, I will turn to what  I like--- I like problem-solving.

But the world doesn't work that way.  So, I'm not in tune with the way the real world works even though I like real as opposed to bullshit.  Quite the paradox, isn't it?

I've been thinking of a possible solution of certain conflicts that exist in the world, but since the world doesn't work that way, a violent ending is more likely.

Could a solution be found to the problem of Taiwan and Israel?  I know that these are tactical defeats.  I don't know if they are strategic defeats.  But I am on shaky ground.  I'm using words and concepts that I don't know very well.

Tactical defeat implies a difficult to accept, but not fatal defeat.  A strategic defeat could be fatal.  The difference between the two is one in which I'm not sure that I can pin down at the moment.

First, the difference between our current situation and Europe just prior to World War II.  It is often believed that Neville Chamberlain did the wrong thing in appeasing Hitler.  Buchanan wrote a book in which he said that he thought Chamberlain was right, and that Churchill was wrong.  Actually, I think Churchill was right, and that was because it would be impossible for Hitler to win against the Soviet Union, France, and England combined, along with having to defeat a well-defended stretch of territory.  All the military advantages lied with Chamberlain, but he gave it all away.  That's where Churchill was right.

But what would be right today?  Is Israel and Taiwan defensible?  Very difficult.  Are they strategic?  Hard for me to see it.  What about our sacred honor in keeping to these treaties, then?  If we abandon them, we will suffer greatly for it.  So, what could you do to make up for it in such a way that these people may accept it?

Iran offered that we should resettle the Jews in Europe.  But would there be any territory in Europe that they would be willing to give up and that Israel would accept for resettlement purposes?  Is this a negotiation that could succeed?  That's up to Israel and Europe.  But what about us?  Europe may not give a rat's ass about the USA, so they may let us get into a war that will be the end of us.  In that case, it may well be the end of them as well.  They may want to consider the Iranian proposition.

I don't know if anything comparable is possible for Taiwan.  Also, I don't know what the Chinese attitude toward that would be.  China is a bigger problem for us than the Middle East.  This question is even more important than the Israel question.  But a solution to that problem may give an incentive for the Chinese to be receptive to another solution to the Taiwan problem that would obviate the need for the use of force.  In that case, peace may be possible, but once again--- where do you get the territory and who will give it up?  This time, it will be the United States.  We may have to give up some territory to resettle the Taiwanese who do not want to join China.  Where would that be?  I haven't the slightest idea.

But these are all speculations.  The real world doesn't work that way.  Nobody will ever do anything like this, so war is the likely outcome.


This idea of solving the Taiwan and Israel problem is so speculative, that I'm going to put a belated speculation alert on this post.  I've been studying this idea for hours and it looks impossible.  That's too bad.

One possibility that is a real long shot, but is talked about from time to time is the idea of seasteading.  In order to make a seastead community big enough to house this many people would require hundreds of billions for Israel alone.  That's assuming the Jewish people would be even remotely interested in the idea.

I figured 250 billion would house 5 million people.  That, according to some estimates that I've seen.  This doesn't count the economic basis which much exist for such a community and so forth.  Whether or not such a thing could be conceived is well beyond my knowledge.  Once again, I don't have time for this.  Nobody is paying me to do this, so it is only for my "amusement".  Or yours, since this is probably the biggest damn fool thing ever thought of.

What the hell.

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