Sunday, September 2, 2012

Youth is wasted on the young

That's the theme today.  Some people just don't get it, so they keep doing stupid things that they'll regret when they get older and wiser.  Like this.  Update:  And this.  Comment:  People do stupid things when they are drunk.  Also, people don't believe bad things can happen to them.  That's what happens when you think this way.  Bad shit happens.  Update:  Oh, my God!  They erected a statue in honor of a dead fan who did something stupid like this.  When will the idiocy end?  If they do this in Houston, I will not go to another game again.  I will not support idiotic behavior like this or any organization that does.  I will disown the Texans.  I will not support them anymore.  This has to stop.

Why am I against this topless shit?  It is not because I don't like the female anatomy.  Of course I do.  But that should be relegated to the bedroom.  That is why this is wrong.  And rather foolish, I might add.  This harms standards of civilized conduct.  You don't want, or shouldn't want Western women to go around like African savages do you?  Whoa!  Bigotry! You damned right.  I damned sure won't apologize for telling it like it is!  This is stupid shit!  If we aren't better than Africa, then we'll start acting like them.  And that's where we are going thanks to this kind of stupid shit.

Generally, I like Glenn Reynold's blog.  But this is where he is f*****g up.  If I may use a bit of filthy language.  I don't always keep to standards myself.  So pardon moi.  Shame on you Glenn Reynolds.

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