Sunday, September 2, 2012

More on Ann Barnhardt

This gal has so much good to say that I keep going back a reading her stuff again and again.  Here's something else she said:
Women are made with a healthy, innate desire to be provided for and protected. I know this because I am a woman, despite the pair of enormous brass balls I have to carry around. Those are merely an anomaly. Please ignore them, and no, you may not touch them. I just polished them last night. Back to the point, women want someone or someTHING to take care of them. For this reason, women tend to lean socialist, and are generally in favor of the expansion of government when the government promises to “provide” for them.

Is there anything that can be said about our current situation that is more true and to the point?  Every woman wants this, but the whole thing has been twisted into a type of exploitation.  The men exploit the women and the women exploit the men.  If the exploitation isn't too one-sided, the relationship can continue.  But the whole enterprise is one of exploitation.  By exploitation, it is what one can gain from the relationship.  That is opposed to what one can do for another in a relationship.

Now, this may be splitting hairs, but there's a difference.  Or I think there's one.  I pull out a quote about using and loving that goes like this:  "Love people, use things--- not use people and love things".  The thing that makes it all exploitative is that people really just love the things that marriage brings, not the other person.  That's why if a woman has faults, a man will leave her.  And vice-versa.  The toy is broken, and they want a better toy.  Not the wedding vow "to love for better or for worse, richer or poor, in sickness and in health till death do us part".  It is all about what can this other person do to gratify my wish for things to satisfy me, as opposed to the other person being enough to satisfy.  I see so much about in the world that makes me think that people are only using each other--- even in long-lasting relationships.

That's all pretty tough.  But there are other stories that are a lot worse.  They don't have happy endings.  I won't name names, but anybody in the family who may be reading this may know what I'm talking about.  I've already mentioned a little bit about my own experiences.  More than I care to relate, I must say.  It all comes down to what can you do for me--- not that they really want to be with you because you are so special bullshit.

The point is that people lie and that makes them vulnerable to being lied to--- because they love the lies so much.

Another thing that Ann mentions that I want to comment on briefly.
I would give up my vote in a HEARTBEAT if it meant that right-ordered marriage, family and sexuality was restored to our culture. I would rather that my little female namesakes grow up in a world where they did not have the right to vote, but were treated with dignity and respect, were addressed as “ma’am”, had doors held for them, and wherein men stood up when they entered the room. I would rather they be courted properly and then marry men who would never, ever leave them, and would consider it their sacred duty and honor to protect and provide for their wives and their children because he LOVED them. Oh, HELL yes. I’ll give up my vote in exchange for that any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Why wouldn’t you?

Frankly, I don't believe a word of this bullshit.  I have to call bullshit on Ann for this.  She is so angry at men that she would never marry any of us wretched creatures.  If she wanted a man like that, she could have one.  She could have as many as she wanted--- any of them.  But no, she'd never be happy with them because they would never meet her standards.  None ever could.  She is demanding too damned much.

I wouldn't marry her or any girl like her.  I would like to be happy, not miserable. She acts too much like a man.  OUCH!!!  That's right.  The truth hurts.  If she read this, which I doubt, she would probably accuse me of whatever moral weakness that strikes her at the moment.  The truth is, nobody is good enough for her.  She will never marry.   She is a flaming example of the very thing that she says she hates.

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