Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fighting With Jell-O; or, The Ice Man Stays Cool

The Obama cheerleading section speaketh.  Not long ago, she said that the Democrats would be crazy to accept McConnell's deal.  Now, Obama is a genius and he should accept it and declare victory.  I am sure that the negotiators on the republican side have more sense than to fall for this. It reminds me a bit of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when it was written that Kennedy decided upon the Trollope Ploy.  Kennedy agreed to a removal of missiles in Turkey in exchange to a removal of missles from Cuba.  Krushchev accepted and that was the end of the crisis.  This situation is not comparable, as the debt situation will not result in default.  They need a sense of crisis though, and so they are pushing the notion that there is one.  Hopefully, the republicans are smarter than that.

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