Saturday, July 16, 2011

Generalized Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation Nuclear Fusion for Hydrogen-Metal System

A rather unique theoretical explanation. It is well above my pay grade, you might say. I read through about a third of it and stopped there. For those who may be interested, it is here.

There are a number of comments below, which Andrea Rossi answers a few questions asked of him. From what I saw, the questions didn't cover the theory, but you may have to read through them all to find these.

Bose-Einstein condensates were predicted for systems which were near absolute zero.  If there are any other circumstances for when these may appear, it will be the first time that I've heard of it.  But that means nothing, since I am not a physicist.

This will go on the sidebar because I will put the source of this story with the rest of the E-cat news links.

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