Monday, August 9, 2021

Ayatollas of corona

are issuing new fatwas of flatulence

Just overhead someone talking on the telephone about waht is happening in Austin. They are going bat guano over there with restrictions again...

There isn't authority to do this, I would think. The Gov. said none of that business again, but if the reports are accurate, they are disregarding him.

This may be an archaic term, but I'll use it here. Back in the old days, if war was a possibility you would hear a term regarding the DEFCON level. A DEFCON 1 scenario means hostilities are ongoing. DEFCON 5 would be normal, or close to normal. What level are we on now?

If the pinkos get their way, a shot won't have to be fired. Freedom may require a DEFCON a bit more towards the hostility level. Not advocating violence, ya pinkos. Don't read anything into this. But things may get a bit testy.


I did a cursory check of the news, and I found one story to that effect, but it was in a Dallas school district.

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