Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Up the infamous creek without a paddle


The question is posed here. The question is brought because if the Chinese control everything, or eventually control everything, then this question must be asked. Are we finished? Is the USA cooked?

If I thought so, I would quit. I am not convinced of that yet, but to tell youse people the truth, it isn't looking good.

The signs are all around of what's going on. If nobody heeds the warnings, the warnings are not going to do any good. I can stand on top of the housetop, and scream my lungs out, and if nobody listens, then nothing good can come from it. I'd probably get arrested for my trouble.

I've warned about communism. That warning seems to be met with indifference. I have warned about the GOP. Same thing. Now Lindell is out there warning about the previous election, and warning about the Chinese, and warning about foreign domination. Will people pay any attention?

The key players have to pay attention. If those in key positions are bought off, then we can't expect anything good coming out of them. Those in key positions now are in the State Houses throughout the country. If the key issue isn't communism, then it might be freedom from foreign domination. Maybe THAT might get their attention. Maybe not. One thing is sure, it had better get moving because time is running out.

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