Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Article V con-con

The situation is careening towards... what exactly? Briefly, the situation is that more and more challenges are being made to the outcome of the 2020 election. Lindell has his symposium going. If he can persuade more people to join him, the pressure will grow on more of the states to do more audits... and then what?

There has to be an end game, but what is that exactly? Has anybody defined it? Will the states that certified the results somehow decertify them? If they did, what would this mean? There is no legal obligation of the Congress to revisit the situation. Biden is President, and there is only one way to force him out. Or is there?

But to force him out brings in Kamala Harris. She would be just as illegitimate as he is. From the looks of things, she would also be even less popular and less suitable than Ill Duce.

But if the states decertify and the Congress ignores it, then what? Will the states allow themselves to be overriden by a recalcitrant Federal government? The states DO have the authority to call for an Article V convention here. The matter could be settled there if the Congress will not properly address it. If those who are pushing this thing aren't prepared to push for an Article V convention of states, then what is this all about? How do you redress a grievance that has no method of redress?

If the significance of it all is that the states and the people are asserting themselves, it all seems very tentative. Perhaps it would help if the purpose of all of this is stated clearly and unambiguously?

Lindell's video on CTH via Rumble should scare people into action.

Will it?

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