Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Get focused

So much said on the conservative side seems to be a total waste of time. It seems like the focus is on stuff that doesn't matter.

For instance, the polls don't matter if the elections are rigged anyway. It doesn't matter that you win an election if the election can be stolen. According to Lindell's Symposium, EVERY COUNTY in the USA was hacked. What????? Repeat EVERY COUNTY IN THE USA WAS HACKED.

Step aside for a moment and evaluate what that means, if true. If it is true, then no amount of argumentation is going to make any difference at all. The elections are rigged. Then why waste time trying to argue something that won't make any difference anyway?

It seems that the focus is misplaced. We ought to find out if that is true or not. If it is true, then no office-holder is legitimate. If there are no honest elections, we don't have a democracy AT ALL. We have no Republic at all. WE HAVE NOTHING.

Maybe that will wake up some of your asses. But not betting the farm on it.

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