Thursday, August 12, 2021

Is USA kaput?


If it depended upon anything I said here on this blog, I'd say yep, we're done. Evidently, my force of reason doesn't go far.

Today was a discouraging day all around. Sure, there's a symposium going on. Yes, it is good. The evidence is overwhelming. But I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that it will not lead to anything.

It is discouraging that this happens. It is like the wolf and the lamb fable of Aesop's fables. Force has the better of the argument because those who COULD do something WON'T. That's the way of the world, or so it seems. I've seen it before. Up close and personal. No argument can change the nature of things as they are no matter how much you may want it to be otherwise.

But I go on. For me, it is now just a matter of damned cussedness. Mine and theirs. I don't expect to win, but I won't surrender even if it kills me. Maybe I got a streak of Cool Hand Luke. But not the results, just the pain.

For those who think this will have a Hollywood ending of the kind that is a happy ending, I hope that you are right. I hope that I'm wrong. But it doesn't look good. Being right doesn't do a damned thing for me, in this case. I might luck out and lose the political game, but it won't hurt me, like that cancer thing. Life takes strange bounces, and so could this.

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