Thursday, October 1, 2015

Obligatory, 10.1.15

Now I have watched eight of the videos.  This eighth one was rather confusing during one stretch in which he began discussing a time period of 490 years with reference to the prophecy of Daniel.  Confusing.

I'll continue with it, but this one is a head scratcher at this moment.

I recall from history that there was a time period called the Babylonian Captivity.  It is said that the this 490 year time period may extend from that time to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD. 70.   May have to study that in order to remove the confusion, or leave it alone.

Gary McDade is still criticizing Premillenialism with respect to the belief in the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.  He says that there's no support for "Premillenialism" in Revelation.

After a pause and some consideration:   This video may require some study before going on.

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