Monday, September 28, 2015

Obligatory, 9.28.15

I'm reminded of a scene in the movie Goodfellas, where Tommy's mother remarks about how Henry isn't talking, and then tells a humorous story about a guy who didn't talk much.  The story ends with how the complaint is reversed 180 degrees, and the complaint becomes "you're always talking".

What reminds me of that is I get the feeling that there's a complaint about the light posting, then when I post a few things, the numbers drop.

Anyway, my reaction to that is to continue doing what I'm doing.  I'm always talking.  Bwah, hah, hah.

I can't help but think that the mention of the Book of Revelation has people heading for the exits.  Or, that I am criticizing why people seem to believe what they do.  Should I just "shut up" because people don't seem to like it?  It's the truth, by the way.  Maybe that really is the sign of the times.  People just aren't much interested in truth.

If it was the discussion about the Book of Revelation that got people upset, well, you aren't going to feel better.  I'm going to keep watching the videos, and if there's something remarkable about it, I just may post it.  Right now, it appears that what I've heard about the Book of Revelation appears to be wrong.  That ought to be interesting, but not these days.

I regret that people aren't interested in this.  If it means anything, I'm not claiming we're at the end times.  I thought I said something that contradicted that.  Whatever.  Sometimes people just react to what they think they saw, not to what they actually saw.

I do think that the country is bad shape.  That hasn't changed.  It's the "why" part that may have people freaking out.

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