Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Launch seems to be a go for tomorrow morn


Here's another video of the Starship Heavy Booster coming down for the catch. That dern thing hit the bullseye!


10:45 AM

Redstate has another interesting angle on the catch, wider view (Kimbal Musk tweet)

10:00 AM:

This is a pretty good recap of the booster catch, so I'll embed it:

The second stage landing in the Indian Ocean was not perfect, but better than before. There was a little burn through, but it went pretty well. But not perfect. It's getting there.

8:40 AM:

I just spent the first part of the morning watching this. It has just concluded in a spectacular achievement for SpaceX.

More commentary later.


Launch set! FAA issues license. Not necessarily discussed on this video, but on others. I'm listening to this one while typing this post in. Trying to write up this post as quickly as possible. On Windows for this post, not Linux. By the way, today is Columbus Day. It used to have a lot more prestige, but this day has fallen upon hard times, as Columbus is in the cultural doghouse. Screw the culture.

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