Thursday, November 16, 2023

When all else seems to fail, fight harder

It seems like things are getting worse. So that must mean we are all doing something wrong.

I've made a few minor changes on the blog, and made a resolution to try a bit harder.

Here's some of the problem here--- smart phones. While you are at it, ban that Tick Tock thing. As you may see, I've heard of it, but I'll have nothing to do with Tick tock-- Red Chinese propaganda.

As for propaganda, Americans are getting saturated with it. If the GOP would get its collective head out of its ass, there would be a lot of investigations into how our entire culture is getting saturated with anti-American propaganda.

During that Chinese visit to San Fransicko, no American flags were allowed. Is this Chinese territory or ours? Maybe considering the state of that city, plus others that the Democrats have ruined, maybe we ought to let the Chinese have them.

Ah yes, then there's this one. While Americans are rotting in the jail, without any formal changes ( which is illegal ), there's this as you see below. How many will hunted down using their cell phone data, and charged with a crime? If you guess NONE, go to the head of the class. Americans are letting themselves be hunted down by the use of their own cell phones. All the while, they are being accused of insurrection, while that couldn't be true because if it was, why would they be such easy targets? Meanwhile, the real insurrectionists get away scot free. And the GOP in the House gives them even more money than before... It ought to make you think, but I'm not so sure that's happening yet.

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