Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Psyops in Minny?

Something I just saw on Facebook. ( not my account, it was shown to me ) George Floyd is alleged to have been at his own funeral---ALIVE.

This raises the possibility of an immense FRAUD perpetrated upon the public.

But if this guy is still ALIVE, then the entire thing was a put-on.

One of the cops has a BADGE PAINTED ON HIS SHIRT. In other words, he's not a real cop. One of the other guys has been to numerous locations when something controversial happens. HE'S AN ACTOR. The whole thing was STAGED.

The reaction is also staged. It's all being done for politics---this much I strongly suspected from the very start.

There should be some skepticism of whatever the Democrats claim--- they should be required to PROVE IT.

If you recall, I posted here long ago that the Russian collusion wasn't even properly investigated. The FBI just took Crowdstrike's word for it and didn't even look at the servers. It was nothing but hearsay, and they based an entire investigation on it.

Same thing with the Ukrainian hoax that led to impeachment. All based upon hearsay.

Keep your eyes open and your minds engaged, folks. These clowns are playing us all like violins.

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