Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Romney doesn’t need to apologize for his Bain career ( updated w video link)

The Enterprise Blog


  • Newt Gingrich (or at least his SuperPac) is launching an expensive attack to rebrand Romney as a Gordon Gekko [ comment:  Gekko is a character created by Oliver Stone.  That says it all.]
  • The pursuit of profits by creating value benefits the rest of society through higher incomes, more jobs, and better products and services.
  • Through this constant roiling of the status quo, creative destruction provides a powerful force for making societies wealthier. It does so by making scarce resources more productive. The telephone industry employed 421,000 switchboard operators in 1970, when Americans made 9.8 billion long-distance calls. With advances in switching technology over the next three decades, the telecommunications sector could reduce the number of operators to 156,000 but still ring up 106 billion calls. An average operator handled only 64 calls a day in 1970. By 2000, that figure had increased to 1,861, a staggering gain in productivity. If they had to handle today’s volume of calls with 1970s technology, the telephone companies would need more than 4.5 million operators, or 3 percent of the labor force. Without the productivity gains, a long-distance call would cost six times as much.

I spent some time studying Bain Capital this morning.  I can't find anything that can substantiate Gingrich's charges.  I haven't seen the video either.  That's next on the agenda.

The characterization of Romney as "Gordon Gekko" is ridiculous.


When Mitt Romney Came To Town. View it now!

I've watched it now.  This has to be answered, effectively.  If it isn't, Romney has no chance of winning the general election.

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