Friday, January 13, 2012

No Apology: The Case for American Greatness

I did a sort of a report on this back in May. Two parts to that report:

Part 1
Part 2

The second part was delayed in posting due to difficulties with blogger.  The system was down for a few days.  I have no apologies to make for that.  Yuk, yuk.

Now, here's the deal.  If Romney would just channel his alleged inner Gekko and apply that to this government and this society in general, it would be a great thing.  But does he really believe what he has written?  Can you be a conservative and apologize for America at the same time?  So, should he apologize for Bain?  Should, if he were to win the presidency, have to apologize for doing what is necessary to put this country back on track?

Maybe, maybe not.   It all depends.  The left tends to blame free enterprise for all our troubles.  What about their own part in this mess?  Or they blame greed, which is not well defined.  The Gekko character said "greed is good".  But what is greed, really?  Is it nothing other than an unapologetic pursuit of one's own self interest?  Is that such a bad thing?  Should any individual have to apologize for that?  Should any nation?   As long as you don't cross certain lines it may be argued, but what are those lines?  Without adequate definitions, greed has been denounced and branded as evil.  Perhaps a little thought on the subject could render a more intelligent judgment.

But if he does apologize for Bain, he's has discredited himself.  One can then ask, and ask quite effectively, just what is Romney all about?  What kind of stuff is he made of?

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