Sunday, January 8, 2012

Meet the Press Debate


Just watched the debate and it was considerably better than the one last night. I will write an update for this later if anything comes up that I want to discuss.

My overall impression is that any of them could win and also any of them could lose. Electability shouldn't be an issue.

If you reduce each candidacy down to one word, what would it be? I will try to answer that later.


Here's the one word description of each candidate.  I added the title of "Mr." to it, since there isn't any more Mrs. Bachmann.

Santorum:  Mr. Conservative.  Why?  Why not?  That's who he is.  Is it enough?  Will anybody care?
Gingrich:  Mr. Solutions.  Newt has a whole lot of ideas, but maybe not an idea about how to solve his biggest problem- getting elected, since nobody seems to care.
Huntsman:  Mr. Trustworthy.  He wants to bring trust back, but in order to do what, exactly?  You know you can trust him to do something, though.
Perry:  Mr. Cowboy.  He's gonna ride into Washington and get all the guys wearing black hats.  As long as his brain doesn't freeze first.
Romney: Mr. Slippery.  Nobody's gonna pin him down on anything.  If anyone tries, he'll slip away like a slippery fish.  But is he the big fish in the little pond?  Or will the big shark gobble him up in November?
Paul:  Mr. Constitution.  In the days when Texas still belonged to Mexico, Mexican officials were worried about Americans who carried their constitutions in their hip pockets.  Most of the politicians these days are using the paper for another purpose.

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