Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rush is Wrong? Add Bain to list of things we cannot discuss (Update: Politico story in doubt)

You know my position. Newt is making a purely political decision to move on. Once he lost Rush and Hannity on the issue — wrongly I believe — it no longer was politically tenable.

Comment:  I'm with the professor on this one.  Rush is right most of the time, but on this one, he's wrong.  I've seen for myself what happens when a company goes bad, and it is NOT just a matter of "that's the breaks".  Stuff just doesn't have to happen the way it does sometimes, and a unthinking reversion to a stock explanation or what have you- such as you can't criticize it because it's capitalism, and equating any criticism to socialistic leanings- is just plain wrong.  Not only wrong, but tragically wrong.

Newt is giving up too easily.  What's he going to do next?  Quit the race?  That's another thing I don't like.  People just give up so easily on things.  Why not continue fighting it?

I watched that video in question .  It is devastating from a political point of view.  If Romney doesn't address it, it could be decisive.  If the Republicans insist upon acting as if their party is the Medieval Catholic Church, and you can't question their established dogma, and therefore, to discuss it is heresy, then they are committing a very grave error.  I might add, it is the same type of charge that they level at the Democrats on some issues like global warming.

Like I said before, ideology can make you stupid.


Actually, Newt may not be giving up on the issue.  The Politico reference in the professor's post shows that the quote by Politico may be wrong.  I hope so.  I hope Gingrich doesn't quit on this.


Nice line:  (Posting this paragraph does not mean I hate capitalism)

The professor has added a video of Sarah Palin on Fox, which I'm reposting here.


Is the point too nuanced to understand?   Now, Santorum is joining the anti-Newt cacophony:  Santorum: Attacks on Romney are attacks on capitalism

"It’s this hostile rhetoric, which unfortunately - I don't want to stand here and be a defender of Mitt Romney, but unfortunately even some in our party now, even some running for president will engage in with respect to capitalism," Santorum said to a town hall of nearly 200 people. "It is bad enough for Barack Obama to blame folks in business for causing problems in this country. It’s one other thing for Republicans to join him." [ Emphasis mine. Comment:  I agree that Obama is blaming free enterprise, per se.  But that is not what Newt is doing.  Nor anyone else on the Republican side.]  
You have got to keep thinking about this and don't let it close down your mind because it seems to be straying away from your preferred paradigm.


al fin said...

I am just beginning to look into the Bain issue.

My initial thoughts are that it would be a huge mistake for some Republicans to paint Romney as a second coming of Corzine, Madoff, or Ken Lay.

Keep a sense of proportion, I always say. And when looking ahead to the November 2012 election, consider the alternatives of 4 more years of Doombama.

In other words, if Romney is almost certain to be the Republican nominee, the best approach for Republicans is to turn lemons into lemonade, rather than to write the Obama campaign's script in advance, to save them the trouble.

No coverups. But no self immolation, either.

Greg said...

al fin said: "Keep a sense of proportion"

Good point. There's only 4 acquisitions mentioned so far.