Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My thoughts for the most part

There's a post up on American Thinker which dovetails with the line of thinking reflected in these posts:

Great Speech , If Frogs had wings

I would add a cautionary tone though, with this post about Donald Trump.   I would add that Trump seems inclined to fight, but fighting isn't always the answer.  In fact, it should be the last resort.  Have things gotten this bad?  I don't think so, at least not yet.  But we are on the wrong track, in which I am in agreement with the polls.

I see hopeful signs here and there.  I pointed out that the Speaker had something useful to say recently.  We can use this time of deficits as a buyer of time, but not as a permanent condition.  Trillion dollar deficits have to go, and go soon.  A definite plan for dealing with this must, must be put into place.

But just getting caught up in a numbers game isn't good enough.  There has to be a real economic growth plan, which is why I am advocating space colonization.  It could be the beginnings of a new industry which can  create jobs and generate revenues for the government.  If the government goes bankrupt, we are in a world of hurt.  I think we can do this if we are bold enough to think outside of the box, and brave enough to set a new course for the stars.  Too dreamy?  Obviously, I disagree.  We need to do this and we can do this.


Paul Spudis has a new post up.  I have a link to his site on my sidebar.  Actually, these folks who want to embrace the end of manned space flight are talking about government sponsored man space flight.  Fine, if that is what you want.  People, acting on their own, can do it themselves.  We don't necessarily need the government.  After all, what has the government been doing for the past 40 years since the end of Apollo? The point should be, why depend on the government to do anything at all, including manned spaceflight?

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