Saturday, April 23, 2011

Battlestar Galactica, vintage 1978

Just watched that on NetFlix.  I never was a fan of the show, but now that I've watched it, it's not too bad.  The reason for my interest is that analogies were being made with the show.  I suppose the analogies were similar in motivation to what was intended by referring to missile defense as Star Wars.

It would seem that the hostility to technological solutions to problems could be so great that it cannot be overcome.  It is like nuclear power.  The fear of it is irrational, but it is powerful enough to stop development of it in its tracks.

This will be my last post today.  Thanks for coming by.  See ya'll tomorrow.


I forgot to do an evening wrap. A short update here. Today's topic was case studies. I looked at case studies in general, and in particular- Taegan Goddard, Bunker Mulligan, Presidential elections since the sixties, and a brief snippet about Battlestar Galactica.

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