Tuesday, February 15, 2011


That thought came to me just now, and it is shall we say, inspiring me to write about inspiration.  That is recursive, by the way.  I'm betraying my programmer experience.  As a programmer, I have pretty much gotten into the habit of figuring out how to solve problems.  I'm always thinking like that.

Anyway, I googled the definition of inspiration and found this Yahoo page, which asks the question of how do you get your inspiration.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have also have gotten into the habit of knowing what words mean.  Words are the tools of thought.  The better you understand the words you use, the sharper will be your tools of expression.

You see, you need to get across your ideas and the only way sometimes is with words.  If someone doesn't understand you, is it because you fail to communicate what you want to communicate because of your lack of command of the language?

I've been trying to get across some ideas and I don't think I am getting them across to the people who are reading this.  That's because if I did, surely I would be doing better than what I am doing now.  I don't know who is coming here, but I do know that some people are.  Very few of them have left comments, so I don't know what is on their minds.

I can go back to my original inspiration for this blog and keep repeating it over and over.  But what does that accomplish?  Does it solve my problem?  What is my problem?  Obviously, it is what I have written about again and again.  I don't have enough readers.  I want to use this as my means of support, but how do I do this if I have no readers and I get no support?  Not that I want people to pay me.  I figured that an audience alone would be good enough and I would sell advertising.  But Adsense took that away from me, and now I am back to square one with that.

I read once on Eternity Road something that struck me strongly enough so that I remembered it.  Maybe that is what you need sometime.  To get struck down with an idea so strongly that it sticks in your mind forever.  It went something like this ( I can't remember exactly what post it was, so I can't point to it) :  there are 3 ways you can get something from someone 1) they give it to you because they love you, 2) they give it to you in exchange for something else or 3) they take it from you by force.  I'd say the first two are the most constructive ways of getting what you need from people.  The last way is not so good.  We want to avoid the last way if at all possible.

By the way, that last sentence may give the impression that under some situations that I would favor taking what I need by force.  I would answer that by saying that I don't want to have to do that, but if a scenario is of such extremity that you have no choice, what do you do?  That extremity is death.  What would you do if you had to make such a choice?  Hopefully, we can avoid any such scenario if at all possible.  But what if you can't?  What do you do?  As for me, I will leave that for me to know and for you to find out.

You can be my friend or be my enemy.  It is up to you.

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