Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why don't Americans believe in Global Warming?

Because it is a religion, not a science.  If it was science, then why do you need to believe in it?  Do you ask if someone if they believe in the theory of relativity?  Do you ask someone if they believe in Newton's laws of motion?  I think the answer is that you don't ask these questions because they are absurd.

So why are these questions asked at all?  Questions of religion aren't absurd.  But asking a religious question framed as a scientific question is logically absurd, as I demonstrated above.  It is a question that confuses definitions.  What is science and what is religion?  I think science allows for doubt, while religion does not.  To be properly religious, you must believe.  To be properly scientific you must not.  If you wish to contend that it isn't a matter of belief or religion look at this quote:

One theme from commenters was that they're not concerned about climate change because they don't believe in climate change. This is exactly the view that infuriates some people who do believe in climate change.

But you would expect that reaction from a true believer who has his beliefs challenged by a skeptic.  It has become a moral issue at that point, and the non believer is morally deficient and must be reformed.  Then the Holy Inquisition begins.


Anonymous said...

In the old days, preachers were the only people who could read and folks revered them as the only ones who understood the bible. You could not question their opinion; If you did you were called an heretic. Today Climatologists are the keepers of the new faith, they are the new priests and folks revere climatologists in the same way, as the only ones who understand climate. And you can't question their opinion either, today’s climate skeptics are also known as climate heretics. If you asked a preacher for evidence for the existence of god, they could find it everywhere; they would claim God was responsible for everything. Today if you ask a climatologist for evidence of ACC they too can find it everywhere, and they blame ACC for everything as well. The new Pope is Al Gore and every country in the world has its top ACC guy, like they are new Apostles. Many of the proponents of ACC are not religious, they are atheists, however they have found a new religion and a new god in ACC. The parallels between old time religion and ACC are astonishing. There is an old phrase which goes something like “if you stop believing in God, you’ll still believe, but you’ll believe in anything”. I think this is the case for the ACC believers. They have established a new faith, I've heard it referred to as the faith of the urban atheist. It’s time for people to rethink and examine deep down just what ACC really is.

Greg said...

This idea was most likely discussed in Ann Coulter's book "Godless, The Church of Liberalism", about which I wrote a short blurb a few years ago. Anybody interested, the link is on the left sidebar. I could re read the book, but am currently reading another.