Monday, February 14, 2011

Why you should read this blog, revisited

In spirit of shameless self promotion, I hereby present why you should waste your time here.  Among these reasons are the following:

1.  I predict events well ahead of their happening. For example, I wrote in a letter to the editor posted on the Houston Chronicle that the automobile will lead to the demise of the USA.  Although this has not been borne out, the fact that the USA is "addicted to oil" no doubt is a factor in our current difficulties with the Middle East, with a huge trade deficit, and inflation problems in the past, present, and especially the future.  Any or all of these may at the very least lead to a loss of prestige and world leadership.  At worst, it may confirm my prediction.

2. Gold has skyrocketed in the past decade.  I was on top of this almost from the beginning.  I found Chris Laird this way, and he predicted the recession with uncanny accuracy.  If I didn't know what I knew, I wouldn't have found him, and I would have gotten creamed like a lot of other people did.  Instead, I made money off of it.

3. America has lost its sense of humor.  If somebody doesn't help to get it back who will.  I will try.  Sometimes a sense of humor is all you've got.  That is paraphrasing a line in a movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".  True, it is only a movie, but the it is the fricking truth.

4. Republicans are too chicken hearted. (see review "Wimpiness Trumps All") Democrats are too greedy for power.  Somebody has to speak truth to power.  Who else will do it?

5. Leadership in space could solve these problems.  I, as well as many others, are attempting to point this out.  Failure to listen will be severely punished.

Finally, a sense of humor doesn't mean a thing if you can't laugh at yourself.  That's why I poke fun at myself so I won't take myself too seriously.  That's the best reason of all why you should waste your time here.  After all, I'm doing it.  "If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't be living".  Lighten up, as Rush used to say a lot.

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