Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Original Boots and Oil Blog

I've brought up the old blog a few times here.  It really wasn't a very big deal.  I kept it up for about 4 months in late 2004 and then gave it up.  One of the differences between that blog and this is that this blog, I really did try to build some audience.  The results though are what's the same.

The funny thing is that I did get better results then than now and that is what's strange.  Perhaps a few things have changed since that time.  One major change has been the rise of social web.  I don't know if Facebook , Twitter and a few others were around back then, but they weren't as big as they are now.  I got started late using Twitter for this blog.  If I had started earlier perhaps it could have been helpful.

I did try to tone down the blog a bit from the last time.  The last blog was much more partisan than this one.  Since 2004, I have become somewhat disillusioned about the Republicans.  I really didn't expect that much from them in 2004, but now they almost look like a non entity to me now.  You might as well call them Donkey light for all the difference that they make.  I never did think that they had much intestinal fortitude though.  That's their main problem.  The donks are definitely more aggressive than the Republicans.  Yeah, and I bet a bunch of them libs are rolling their eyes if they ever read this.  Yet, I can't recall Republicans carrying on the way the Democrats are right now.  Nor as they did during the election controversy in 2000, nor in other things.  The Republicans are much more civilized than they are.  That's their problem.  They need to suck it up against these guys.  They are too soft.

Another thing about these last few years.  Both sides do try to manipulate you with emotions.  The Republicans do that too.  They aren't as aggressive about that as the Democrats, but they do it.  Here's another one that may cause a Dem to roll their eyes.  It's just an act.  Democrats put on their halos and put horns on the Republicans.  When you point out what they do, they claim innocence or throw it right back at you.  It is extremely competitive and when the Republicans try to compete back, well, that's just not fair and that's just not right.  That too is part of the act.  The Republicans being nicer usually back down.  That is a mistake.

Somebody reading this may think this is all partisan.  I don't think so.  I can't think of a more filthy accusation that was ever made than the one after the Giffords shooting.  It looks like a planned strategy and it involves people who are supposed to be giving objective information.  That's another one of their tricks.  If you are unaware of it, you will get taken in.  Even if you are aware of it, you may get taken in anyway, unless you are careful.  An example of this is Krugman.  This guy is as partisan as they come.  He admits being partisan.  He justifies it as a necessity.  But the New York Times puts him in their paper, so that says something about the New York Times.  That paper was once considered the paper of record.  People who read it do not get a balanced view of the situation.  How can that be true now?  Why should they be taken seriously by serious people?  But they are.

I don't think that the lack of readership here is from being a partisan blog.  It hasn't come from a lack of effort.  It hasn't come from a lack of promotion.  I could get suspicious about something, but I won't say that just yet.  But nothing surprises me all that much these days.  Something is wrong out there.  But the people are asleep.  Even if they think they are awake, they may only be partly awake.  Perhaps people prefer to be asleep.  It is easier, that's for sure.  But sleeping isn't a full time job in the real world.  The real world will make you wake up sooner or later.  It's either you wake the hell up or you just might die.  Think about it.


Here's what I'm talking about.  They really do think that they can get their way by pressure tactics.  Well, what good for the goose is good for the gander.  Republicans should organize a recall against Democrats as well.  Maybe just one of these can replace the current bunch who fled to Illinois, they would have a quorum and put everything and I do mean everything on the table.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the "progressive" reaction in Wisconsin is a reaction to the Tea Party as much as anything else. In their view, the opposition got results from their protests in the famous townhall massacres that Dems suffered through (sometimes in embarassed disconnect) prior to the last election. Those townhall meetings energized a beaten right-wing. The resulting Tea Party movement put Obama on the defensive and that is a typical page from the Dem playbook. Keep the oppositon on defense while you press your agenda, they are busy defending theirs. Bussing in union shills and community organizers (very similar to the commie ramrods of the past )won't work if the electorate can't be misdirected from the fact that there is no money in the piggy bank and the servants of the people are in fact living higher on the hog than their so-called masters.The runaway state Dem senators have to come back eventually and when they do the problem will be there to meet them, it won't go away without a little blood, sweat, and crocodile tears.

Greg said...

Exactly. The "public servants" have become the "public masters". They are becoming an aristocracy of privilege. This privilege comes at the expense of the people that they are supposedly serving. If they can't be stopped now, it may well be that they'll never be stopped.

Greg said...

Rand Simberg compares this to Gettysburg In light of these comments, I think the analogy is apt.