Tuesday, February 15, 2011


What if you have an idea that could be really, really big. What do you do with it? Do you put it out here so that anybody could access it? Or do you refuse to disclose it for whatever reason?

Such is the case that I am contemplating now. After several months of writing about this, I may have come up with something that may be significant. At this point, it is only an idea. No, it hasn't been written up here yet. It is unknown to anyone at this moment. If I keep quiet about it, no one will ever know about it.

Now, if I decided to open my mouth and tell about it, who do I tell? If not here, then where and who? Should I demand to be paid for it? I think so. I want to be paid. If what I have is worth something, I think I should be paid for it. But why should anyone think that it would be worth anything? What reason would anyone want to pay me for whatever I know? From my profile, anyone in a position of responsibility would find it hard to believe that I would know anything worth paying for. That could be a reason to keep mum. Nobody will believe me anyway.

Of course, anybody who doesn't know me might think that I am full of it. Or anybody who does know me might think that I am full of it. But anyone who knows me knows that I don't make things up. If I say that I think I've got something, then at the very least, I believe that I've got something. The question then becomes- "Should what I am saying here be taken seriously?" And who would be interested?

You have to ask yourself this question: could it be worth anything, and if so, what do you propose that I do about it? What I am getting at is that somebody has to give me access to someone with decision making power who could be in position to decide whether or not to pay me for this information.

On second thought, there is plenty of reason to doubt that this isn't significant after all. However, I would be interested in discussing this with someone who could decide if it is a good idea. But I won't discuss it here.

Someone might guess, if one is a regular reader here, what I am discussing. But I am pretty sure at this point that the idea isn't posted here. And I am pretty sure that I've not told anyone.

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