Friday, January 7, 2011

JP Aerospace

I got this link from Al Fin's post.  The danger of this is that it may not be taken seriously.  After all, access to space up to this point has been with big expensive rockets.  The idea of using airships to get to space may strike some as being implausible.  After a look at the concept, I hope they succeed.  Based upon an admittedly inexpert opinion, it looks good.

I put the link up in my interesting reading section in the left sidebar.

Update:  Sat. 1/8/11, approx. 7:15am cst

I've been doing a little digging around on JP Aerospace.  Here is a blog with recent entries.   And an article written in 2004 by Jeff Foust of The Space Review.  Also, here's their official forum.

That's all I have for now.  As with everything that looks good at first, there's a catch.  The catch here, of course, is to get this concept to work.  I'll update with more if I can find anything.

Update: Mon 1/10/11, approx 11:30 am cst

A commenter on the Al Fin post (see link above and click on comments ) threw some cold water on this idea.  If more light could be shed upon the problems, perhaps some solutions could be found.  But I am not the one to find the problems.

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