Monday, January 3, 2011

Liberalism isn't Progressivism ( if Progressivism means progress)

As I wrote before, I think the problems we are facing are due to Liberalism.  This video (hat tip to Ed Driscoll) illustrates it well enough.  Somehow, in this country, economic progress has gotten a bad name. Instead of building dams, there is now a movement to tear them down:

This explains our lack of progress despite all the "progressivism".  They don't seem to believe in it, nor do they seem want it.  Hence, Obama talks about "sharing the wealth" as opposed to "creating wealth".  If you look at Krugman's posts, it is pretty much in the same vein.  It is almost assumed that there will be progress.  Otherwise, would anybody really believe that making everybody equal will make everybody prosperous?  No, I don't think even the most die hard liberal would make such an assertion.  Equality trumps everything, even prosperity.  They would rather starve than to see anyone prosper.  That is, unless it somebody other than an American.

Is it just a coincidence that a high water mark for gold occurred in the late 70's- early 80's, and a high water for liberalism is occurring today while gold is on the rise?  Things happen the way they do for a reason.

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