Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cruz drops out and the wusses whine

Boo-hoo!  Cruz drops out and "surrenders" to that mean bully Trump.  Wahhh!   Sniffle sniffle.

Man, I've had it with these whine-o's ( a pun ).  They call some of the GOP'ers "Rinos", well these guys just whine and cry.  So, I'll call them "whine-o's".

Trump didn't take advantage of me, like some of these whine-o's keep saying.  I can prove it.  I have had it with these clowns for over a year, back in 2014, I wrote this.

Conservatives don't deserve to win because of their total lack of ...  well, I don't know how to put it.  Maybe they just don't have a pair.

Trump was too nice to them.  He ought to start rubbing it in.  I mean, if you can't make these sissies mad enough to fight, then they ought to go do a Bruce Jenner instead.  They remind me of that part in the movie (Blazing Saddles) when Dom Deluise said they sound like steam escaping, because of  their lisping.   One of the obvious effeminates complained about a "bully".

Instead of manning up, these wusses wuss it up.  You got beat.  Have a good cry, and get over it, ladies.

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