Friday, May 6, 2016

The war on Trump is not over

After seeing this on Instapundit, which links to a claim that the war is over, and the party should unify, I see a link to Thomas Sowell, who wants a third party candidate to run and throw the election into the House.

Anybody who runs on a third party ticket is bound to lose.  Ross Perot didn't even win a single electoral vote.  George Wallace only won the formerly Solid South.

If you go all the way back to Lincoln, who didn't get a single vote in a Southern State, minority presidents can still win.

There has been only one president chosen by the House, and that was Thomas Jefferson.  This was before the Electoral College was reformed.  There have been none since.

They should support Trump, Hillary, or stay home.  Drive this one into your skull-- YOU LOST.


In order to force an election into the House, a third party candidate must win some states.  If Cruz ran on a third party ticket, maybe he wins Texas.  But since the vote was divided up, even though in Texas, there's a good chance that Hillary would win Texas, of all places.   Cruz is probably your best regional candidate.  Any others?  I doubt it.

Really dumb idea.

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