Sunday, April 17, 2016

Cruz equals Tracy Flick?

That's what Ann Coulter thinks.  When I first read this, I shrugged my shoulders.  Who's Tracy Flick?  A little bit of searching obtains that answer.  Just a movie character.  An extremely ambitious girl wants to run for class president, but has some competition.  She is willing to do anything to win.  Is that Cruz?

All I know about Cruz is what his campaign did in communications with me.  It struck me as too ambitious to trust even before Coulter ran her op ed.  So, yeah, I think Cruz may be a tad too ambitious.

Making this kind of comparison may not get an impact.

One approach that might could be a serious discussion of historical figures.  You know.  Hitler, Julius Caesar, guys like that.  I'm saying serious.  I know the Hitler comparisons get beat to death, so that may not fly.  Caesar though, that might.

What about Caesar?  That Caesar was a brilliant general and politician, there could be no doubt.  It also so happens that Caesar ended the Roman Republic.  Hitler ended the Weimar Republic.  Neither of these men cared much for their respective republics.  But Cruz says he does.

Anything that smells suspicious should be cause for concern.  Just saying.

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