Sunday, May 10, 2015

In case you're interested

It's my opinion that there is an ongoing coup attempt going on before our very eyes.

  1. The Supreme Court may rule that same sex marriage is a right.
  2. The Congress may pass Fast Track Trade Authority that has the force of a Treaty even without the 2/3rds vote that the Constitution says is required  before a treaty can take effect.  Also, said treaty is being negotiated in SECRET.  The Congress, which is supposed to stop Obama, at least according to Limbaugh, is going to hand even more power to a wayward President.  They aren't even going to bother to find out what is in the treaty.  Obama is being given a blank check.
  3. The President is a Marxist and stealth Mohammedan.  That accusation would have once carried some weight, but these days, it might even be seen as a plus.
Nobody will do a thing about any of this either.

N.O.T. A. S.I.N.G.L.E. T.H.I.N.G.

You might expect that of John Q. Public, who doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground.  But those whose position requires them to scream bloody murder aren't likely to say a damned thing.  Much worse than even that, they will do nothing.

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