Thursday, May 14, 2015

Appalling, just apalling

The op-ed piece in the New York Times, that is.

It isn't so much that the left is probably going to win this one ( same sex marriage ), is that she points out how much trouble we are really in on issues like this.

She quotes George Will as calling Huckabee "Apostle Mike".  This is just sad, sad, sad.  When someone who is considered "conservative" has all but swallowed down the Cultural Marxist Kool-Aid, the game is just about over.

Of course, you cannot expect much from Lindsey Graham.  He is ready to move on, but for the moment, he's going through the motions.  I suppose we are supposed to be impressed with his valiant struggle.  How brave he is!  /sarc

She claims that 61 percent of young Republicans favor same sex marriage.  If my head shaked any harder, it would fall off.  This has to be wrong, but if it is right, we are in the deepest possible doo-doo.

Here's a problem I have with it, or just one of many.  For almost the beginning of Western Civilization, marriage has been between a man and a woman.  It has never been otherwise, until now.  Why the change?  I'm sure that Moses didn't bring down the Ten Commandments from the mountain, with one of them being, "Thou shalt not commit adultery", with same sex couples in mind.  In an earlier time, the expression of an idea like this would have been considered obscene.  Maybe our entire culture is becoming one huge obscenity by an earlier standard.  I guess the Ten Commandments are out of date.  Perhaps the Supreme Court can rule on that one too.  They are always right, you know.

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