Thursday, April 2, 2015

Scaling back a bit

One problem with what I'm doing is that the objectives may be too ambitious.  Instead of a 20 foot quonset, I shrunk it down to 16.  Now, I want to shrink it even more, down all the way to 8 foot.

It's not much of a project now, but that really isn't the point now.  It is too costly in terms of time and money, which are scarce.  I have to scale down and still achieve some important milestones.  Having a structure out there is important.  Having a means to power my tools is important.  Having a way to take care of basic needs is important.  To achieve these major goals will make it a successful trip even if it doesn't result in a decision to move out there now.

To move out now is too ambitious.  But I'm acting as if I will because it is an important exercise.  Besides, in the effort, I may find that I will want to move out there now, after all.  You don't know what will happen until you start doing things.  That's the main point.  To DO things.

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