Monday, February 9, 2015

Stock Buybacks Are Killing the American Economy


If business leaders hope to maintain broad public support for business, they must acknowledge that the purpose of the corporation is not to enrich the few, but to benefit the many.---Nick Hanauer

That quote sounds socialistic to me.  No, the purpose of the corporation is to make money.  Don't get me wrong, though.  I am for more regulations for corporations.  For me though, corporations tend to snuff out the little guy.  Corporations tend to do things like eliminate jobs, not create them.  Generally speaking, I am not critical of this piece, but I am suspicious of what the motivations are behind it.  If all they did was to bring the rules back to 1982, with respect to stock buybacks, I'd say that's not too bad of a thing.  It may be helpful, but I don't think that it is a panacea for all that ails us, like what this piece seems to be claiming.

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