Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Home again, 2/10/15

Never left home today, so the title is wrong.  But I usually write something about this time, so I'll write something now.

Most of my afternoon was spent reading the latter part of the novel Huck Finn.  What struck me is that by banning the novel, it does two things.  It keeps people from getting upset about the n-word, but even more than that, the contents would be upsetting to most people in a couple of ways.  One way would be the biting commentary.  It isn't all about race.  It is also about the rather base way people can behave.

It isn't just the "bad" people.  The "good" people are too gullible.  Nobody gets by easy in this novel, no matter how you read it.  That's probably why it is banned.  Nobody wants realism these days.

Changing the subject a bit, I sent in an email about the snow bully.  I am hopeful that this can be used to move dirt out on "da Ranch".  It could be a real handy tool for that purpose, and the cost isn't too unreasonable.

You might be amazed at how much water can be captured and stored temporarily in a shallow trench.  I could divert the water from the roof of the quonsets and the canopy into one of these trenches, and then pump it out for use later.   It doesn't have to be perfectly clean water in order for me to use it.  This solution could be real handy and cheap.

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