Friday, February 13, 2015

Home again, 2/13/15

Today was supposed to be an unlucky day.  But I made it through the day okay.  That's not guaranteed ever, but even less so as time marches on.  Eventually, it catches up with you.

I want to take this opportunity, while I'm thinking about it, to do some needed chores tomorrow.  I know what they are, so there.  I'd better know.

Most of my free time was spent thinking about making a change to my quadrangle plans.  It seems that I can't get anything finalized.  Always wanting to change things around.

Never did figure out how to give access to the inner sanctum and to the individual quonsets at the same time.

One idea is to make a small quonset that lines up with some big ones, but perpendicular to it.  You may have to make two--- one on the inside of the ring, and one on the outside of the ring.  I'll have to do a drawing in order to visualize it.

A short pause....

Now that I've finished drawing it, I have a solution.  Make a box that connects the with doors of the two quonsets, and opens up to the quadrangle with another door.  That would mean the box has a door on each side of it.  It must be covered in order to make it secure against the coyotes.

Drat it.  It won't let me add the drawing to this post.  Okay, I've spent enough time trying, so let's get this posted and move on.

Quick Update:

I forgot to mention that I've decided I may go with pallets after all.  See what I mean?

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