Friday, January 16, 2015

Home again, 1/16/15

Always glad to be home, especially on Fridays.

The thing that is on everybody's mind, it seems, is this terrorism that flared up again in Paris.  What does it all mean?

If it means anything at all, let's hope it means that something effective is going to be done about it.  The reaction here in this country after the 9/11 event seemed to be on the right track for awhile, but got seriously off of it, in my opinion.  Now we are in a bad situation where there isn't any clear direction about what is to be done.

It seems to me that we've got some serious issues to work out.  But I don't think we are getting it done.

Everybody has their own ideas, I suppose, about what should be done.

I don't live in France, so I won't comment there.  But what about in the USA?  What should we be doing that we aren't doing now?

That could be an invitation to an easy and quick answer, like expelling all Mohammedans.  Something tells me that the society at large would be propagandized in giving up on that before it even began, assuming it ever even began.  Personally, I think it would be better if the Mohammedans weren't here at all.  Islam doesn't belong in the West.  It should remain where it is and kept where it is, by force if that should be necessary.  But this society has been indoctrinated in believing something that never permit that.  To me, that is a great weakness that may never be corrected.

So, what do we do?

In an earlier post, I suggested cracking down on them the same way that they crack down on Nazis and KKK types.  These type of violent organizations wouldn't exist if the government got serious about stopping them from doing those kinds of things.  The fact that those things happen is proof that the government is failing to do its job.

Surely, you could find a political consensus that would durable enough to make a program like that stick.  It would have to stick over the long run, or something else is likely to take its place, which would probably not be good.  It could even lead to an end of the West as we have known it.  Better do something then, and don't back off of it.  The future depends upon it.

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