Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ron Paul Institute: Charlie Hebdo Massacre, Like 9/11, Was a False Flag Operation

False flag operation?

Here we go again.

Of course, they wanted the dudes dead, because somebody has something to hide.  But to equate this with 9-11, I don't know about that.  If there's anybody trying to hide something, it's the left, in my opinion.

Why do they oppose water boarding?  Because it works, and somebody may implicate one of them, I suspect.  They didn't want phone taps of those talking to al Qaeda either, but they'll okay tapping everybody's phone instead.  Yeah, like John Doe is a suspect or something.  I think the false flag charge covers up for somebody who has something to hide.  If you want to get to the bottom of an issue, you seek facts, not dead people.  It seems to me that the left wants people dead so that they won't talk.

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