Monday, January 12, 2015

Truth and the tribe

What should go first, the truth or the tribe you belong to?

What's that?  What's this tribe thing?  It's who you identify with.  My tribe is so and so.  Your tribe is so and so.  My tribe and your tribe are different.  So, a person from outside your tribe says something, what's your opinion of it?  Does it matter what tribe that person belongs to is outside your tribe?

According to modern thinking, it is to be discouraged, but there's a double standard on that one.  Of course, it is denied, but it doesn't take a Einstein to figure it out.  What you say definitely matters as to what tribe you belong to.  If you are in the wrong tribe, say a conservative in a liberal place, it will definitely work against you.

There are those of you out there who probably think I'm being unfair to liberals.  Not really.  It is the liberals who play this game and they are quite good at it.  The Ferguson case is a prime example.  Here you have someone admitting that the truth doesn't matter.  What matters most to this person is their tribe.  Liberals encourage this kind of behavior.  You are seeing it now in France.  Supposedly, they are enlightened over there, but they excluded the party they didn't like, even though that party was closer to being right than what they were.  They care more about their tribe than they do the truth.

But such thinking cannot be a good thing.  Truth should come first regardless of who said it.  It should, but in the real world, no it doesn't.  Liberals will say this, but then they don't practice it.  I'm not here to exclusively bash liberals.  Lots of people act that way, but the liberals DO act that way.  Why not own up to it?

Last night, I watched a video of how Einstein and Eddington collaborated on the theory of relativity even though their countries were at war with each other.  One moral that could be drawn from this dramatization was that the discovery may not have happened if truth succumbed to the passions of the tribes that were at war with other.  They rose above that and advanced science.  Couldn't one argue that tribal passions should never do this?  Where would we be if that was generally the case?

But if you disagree with a liberal, and you are a conservative, it's your fault.  Why?  It takes two to disagree.  Why is it always one way, but not the other?  Isn't it a matter of tribal thinking over the truth?  Isn't it a matter that their tribe ( liberals) means more than the truth?

Hitler called physics "Jewish" physics, as if there were any distinction in physics according to what tribe you belonged to.  Hence, there's no Jewish physics, or Russian physics, or Chinese physics, just physics.  That is, it is just physics if truth comes first and not the tribe.

Supposedly, liberals despise Hitler, but you wouldn't know it from the way they act.

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