Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sabre rattling continues

It's pretty much all over the place.  You have this from Walter Russell Mead and this from former Sec State Condoleeza Rice.

It's all fashionable to beat the war drums these days, but all of this that's happening in Ukraine was baked into the cake years ago.  It's a bit late to do anything about that now.

Obama has and is doing what he's always done.  He's managing to fool the entire country into thinking he's being strong when he's the very opposite.  That too was baked into the cake when he was elected.  It should not come as any surprise what is happening now.

Of course, it would have helped the GOP if it would get its own act together and stop giving us weak candidates like McCain and Romney.

Bush wasn't exactly good either, to be honest about it.

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