Saturday, March 8, 2014

Idea for campaign commercial

For my Senate run.  It would require some bucks to do it.  I won't spend the money myself.  So, no bucks, no Buck Rogers for this "moon shot".

Anyway, I once compared Christine O'Donnell's candidacy as the un-Candidacy.  That's because it was unconventional, in a way.  Also, it received a lot of bad publicity.  Well, the trick there is to turn that to advantage, like Terry Knight did with the rock group Grand Funk Railroad.

A commercial provides the idea, and so I may steal the "Un-Cola" commercial in a sense.  I would dress up like that Caribbean man and pour a drink in a glass and smell the sweet smell of success.  That's not an exact quote, but I probably should avoid a complete rip-off.

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