Monday, March 3, 2014

Could have Obama connived with Putin for the takeover of Ukraine?

Well, Obama took credit for the ouster of Yanukovich.  Remember that?  Now he is signaling weakness to Russia so that it Putin can have the excuse of invading the rest of Ukraine.  The GOP, in its usual clownish way, is supporting the President by firing up hopes in the Ukrainians of a US intervention.  By doing this, they make Obama look good as the peaceable dove who keeps us out of wars, while the GOP looks like irresponsible war hawks.  But if Obama hadn't spurred on the protesters ( he took the credit for it, remember?)  to take over the government of Ukraine, there may have been a better solution of the spectacle that may eventuate.  That spectacle could be an all out Russian takeover of Ukraine.  Maybe that is what Obama wanted after all, and so, he is helping Putin in that endeavor.

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